
FedScout pricing is affordable, predictable, and aligned to you

Find and Track Your RFPs
Free $0/Month per Company For teams exploring the federal market Pro $20/Month per Company For teams looking for their first win Growth $100/Month per Company For established small businesses ready to grow Enterprise $500/Month per Company For multi-division teams focused on expansion
Opportunity search
Active searches per company 2 4 Unlimited Unlimited
Advanced search options x x
Pipeline management
Items in your liked list 5 20 Unlimited Unlimited
Push notifications to your phone
Liked list management and tracking x x
Opportunity Information
All basic data
Documents and other descriptive data
Extracted text: Pricing, Evaluation, Proposal length x x
SOW "Shredder" x x
Wired contract indicators x x x
Opportunity evaluation
Structured P-Win, value, and effort calculators
Automatic P-Win, value, and proposal effort estimates x x
Opportunity sharing
Join interested vendors
Opportunity discussion x
Download opportunity reports x x
Create opportunities x x
Teaming support
Likely vendors who are part of groups you belong to
Likely vendors across the entire market x x
Company search and analysis
Basic company search
Company search based on website text x x
Estimated FCL search x x x
Company information
Basic company data
Vehicles each company is on x x
Available ceiling on each vehicle x x x
Join and search within groups
"Comparison shop" between companies x x
Team management
Create sub-divisions within your account x x x
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